All Posts in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

Should I still do this

I technically did fix the issue and I wanna make a hustle for myself for some extra pennies

Sorry, it's just one banner. I am still thinking about what channels to make, and it's getting late.

He's there alright.

He's real.



Working on Rails since idk what to work on majorly for this besides animation, they work just as the same as regular geometry as of now, but I'll just get their basic functions in soon

Finally done with Kai’s sheet!


I swear to Isosceleste if Gusto ping me in another post with that fucker bitchass that has a bigger nose than those fucking lady gaga memes, if he does it again i'm gonna scream


Pretty big things with this, I'll just give it a list

I just got like a random idea revisiting an old Scratch project of mine with Elliott

Hear Me out