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April, 6 at 11AM GMT (7AM EST)
Ask your questions about project under this post!

#qna #stream #untitlednote #televisions

Gentlemen... I have a case...

And I'm the detective to solve it!

Meet the Character: Alex!

#indiedev #art #characters #untitlednote

What if I told you my main goal on GJ is not to get verified, get partnerships, or even be the next Dan Salvato or Scott Cathown?

What if I told you my main goal is to get a TV tropes page on one of my projects?

Make sure to ask Sarah for help, she's the best server out there! #rpgmakerhorror #gamedev #toyland #gamedevelopment



Should the boss for day 4 be a descendant of Haast's eagle or the Moa...?

Why do I keep having this same nightmare every night?

Dear fans: I'm currently trying my hardest to deliver an update to TIOB. I'm currently reaching the end of day 3, and I plan on releasing an update when I finish day 4.

Thank you for your patience.