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i differentiate 4 durations of working too much:

Scramble is 1 week or less

KiloScraMble is 1 to 2 weeks

MeGaScRaMbLe is 2 to 4 weeks

THE DREADED CRUNCH is longer than 1 month

#Spider took a #Candy and travels acroß a Jack O' Lantern


#Joltober2024 day 31: #JackOLantern


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture

þey #Dream‍'d abt a #Ghost dreß'd as þem #Startling þem


#Joltober2024 day 30: #Costume


#Mimic #CreepyDoll

#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture

#Spider took a candy and travels acroß a #JackOLantern


#Joltober2024 day 29: #Candy


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture

#Demon scares a crow


#Joltober2024 day 28: #Scarecrow


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture


> What's your favorite character design?

i like a lot of character desiŋs very muč but i can't choose favorites
except for characters i desiŋd (see þis post's picture)

#Mask clown


#Joltober2024 day 27: #Clown


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture

#Joltober2024 day 26: #Alien


an unknown #SeaCreature is just as #Alien as an unknown beiŋ from outer space


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture

#Joltober2024 day 25: #Cthulhu


in a lot of þe reference images, Cthulhu has a muscular body
but in þis visual style it would make Cthulhu look too human
so i drawed more tentacles instead


#SpyMaterialDesign #Simple #ArtPicture