art tips in poppy ribbon's thing

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i differentiate 4 durations of working too much:
• Scramble is 1 week or less
• KiloScraMble is 1 to 2 weeks
• MeGaScRaMbLe is 2 to 4 weeks
• THE DREADED CRUNCH is longer than 1 month

in my world view, þe word creativity can be translated to "þe ability to create".
it's like a resource which needs to be refilled, so if yai can't create anymore þat means yu need to stop creatiŋ for a while and do oþer þiŋs — þen yu can create again.

we use base decimal number base because we have ten fingers.
so if we were cartoons we would use octal or seximal —
or quaternary if we don't have fingers so we count with our limbs
i found out there are only 3 kinds of games i will possibly want to make
• silly / meme games
• creativity games
• community / party games
because these kinda games best align with my interests