Share your creations!

new avatar and header 2024-11-10

i differentiate 4 durations of working too much:

Scramble is 1 week or less

KiloScraMble is 1 to 2 weeks

MeGaScRaMbLe is 2 to 4 weeks

THE DREADED CRUNCH is longer than 1 month


> What's your favorite character design?

i like a lot of character desiŋs very muč but i can't choose favorites
except for characters i desiŋd (see þis post's picture)


> What's your favorite power‑up?

most likely þe ice flower.

i can turn my enemies into platforms
but i have to approach þem from þe right angle,
so i need a bit of creativity to þrow my ice balls usefully


#Simple #Animation #PixelArt #ArtPicture


Harr, Harr, Harr


second image is in GIF format, in case the PNG version doesn't animate

card game suits #Bookmarks

paper format:
• ISO‑216 A4
• 300 dpi
• 5 mm print safe margin
• 2 mm padding between bookmarks


#CraftTemplate #ArtsAndCrafts

in my thing, i put many of my posts in categories

@sosasees owner
Report A community for over 1 year