OtherMakers in RPG Maker Hub

Share your creations!

I made a new channel for other "maker" programs, also made by Kadokawa.

These include things like Visual Novel Maker, and Pixel Game Maker will be included here.

*edit: This is not a random chat channel

o capanga do cara de antes, a piada é boa mas não posso contar agora...

#inktober #inktober2024 #art #drawning #oc #RPG #Game

tem essa coisa no jogo também, é

#inktober #inktober2024 #horror #cute #RPG #vidioGame #art #sketch

eu tava com uma ideia de personagem pra um jogo, ele seria tipo uma paródia do Jeff the killer mas bem incovenenite e anticlimático... de qualquer jeito toma essa arte aí

#inktober #inktober2024 #horror #RPG #vidioGame #art #sketch

I think obtaining RPGMaker Unite could actually be a bad idea.

Reading the reviews and watching some videos about it, I discovered that it has bugs and so maybe it's not worth it.

Also, I have Unity now, I might as well develop in 2.5D with that.Surprise