
Comments (9)

What do you think?

mini but Fun

very cool. It is very hard, i like that. I like hard games

it is a nice platformer, seems you have paid some time to organize the level and it is really challenging.

but sometimes i drop out of the map, and nothing happens, i couldn't see gameover show up


Coin Hunter! 3.3

Version: 0.3.3over 3 years ago
Click on the play button to play!

Coin Hunter is a game where you have to collect a coin to get to the next level! if the game doe's not work for you then play it here:

or download the game jolt client then try to play it on the client

#platformer #adventure #mobile #slingshot #doublejump


I need suggestions for my game please post suggestions in the comments

i will downgrade the engine from construct 3 to construct 2 so i can add thorhies and scores

Also about the post when i said i'm selling the game's source code for 2.00 dollers i'm not selling it no more i'm gonna ask my mom to buy me a construct 3 personal license for Chistmas

I have no idea what to do with this game

Devlog V3.3