
Comments (1)

What do you think?

@Old_Tanks_Project This game has a lot of work to be done with it. The game is forced to be played in different browser when it should just be a file. The game hurts your eyes from the colors and static img.

Feel free to contact me at my dev email at any time.

Email: [email protected]

Developer 2019 (Clicker) - new browser (and client) game, strategy-simulator developer, clicker.


  • Almost 10 game engines to choose from;

  • The counter of the created games and thousand $;

  • Research of new game engines;

  • Accidental earnings from each game, depending on the engine;

  • Beautiful, pleasant and atmospheric design;

  • Low system requirements;

  • Browser version of the game and the client version for Windows and Linux;

  • The small weight of the game;

  • Optimization for the phone, tablet, TV and computer;

  • Saving traffic;

  • Run from any browser that supports Javascript;

The game is written in JavaScript using the Ajax library.



The game is the successor of The simulator developer (clicker) (