
Comments (10)

What do you think?

just played through the game and i have to say that it's AWESOME! it's a short, fun, whimsical adventure with a unique premise, memorable characters and creative usage of graphics, character powers and the enviroment!) the puzzles were cool and build some tension (i especially like all the dodge-maze parts) and the fights were pretty damn tough even if you get the best weapon in the game - i'm pretty sure i won the final fight of ending one (yes, there's multiple endings, too) by pure luck by going to crit town, hahaha!)))) all in all, awesome.

here's also some cool details that i added in notes while playing the game: i love the way the black candles explode before you fight them) the black candle maze before the invisible guy is really cool and isn't frustrating at all since the candles themselves are rather easy opponents, so, even if you fail a portion of it it ain't a big deal) the grass slime enemy fits VERY well with the woodland maze battle backdrop. the segment in the lizardox cave where you activate the power of the invisible man is VERY cool and creative!) loved playing through it - it's a nice balance of a cool mechanic being deployed with some difficulty for the player and the tension with the timer) the funny cactus in the ruined fortress was the funniest thing i've ever seen today, thank you. the secret location with the most powerful sword (literally) is a really cool place - i was very excited when i first found it!) and, finally, the initial reaction upon discovering the Earth King is so freaking cool! i'm pretty sure that he's actually the biggest enemy i've seen in an rpg maker game! and the scene after that with his demise was even more awesome!)

my only two gripes with the game are rather small ones: firstly, Pierraffy, you forgot to translate the one message that appears when you defeat an enemy) and you can also walk on the pots and the drawers in the Ruined Fortress.

so, all in all, this was a memorable and fun experience through and through - i loved the characters, i loved the fights and i loved the puzzles even more) good luck with any and all future endeavors, Pierraffy, and take care!

a short but enjoyable, funny, and charming game. my friends and i had plenty of laughs as we went through it over the course of a couple of hours; there are abundant silly moments, and there's clearly a lot of heart that's been put into it.

with many story-heavy rpg maker games my immersion is honestly broken by the combat, especially if i must stop and grind with weak abilities/attacks to progress, but that was never the case. i always felt like i was at adequate strength for any challenge so long as i paid attention to the encounter, and i even chose to do a little bit of extra grinding on my own volition, just because it wasn't a slog to do so and the abilities were fun to use.

definitely recommend it if you want a quick, fun little adventure! i wouldn't mind seeing the world and characters expanded more with another game. ^^

hey, the graphics kinda look familiar... did you draw them yourself or did you use some from opengameart?)

amo tatto questo gioco

comulque sono anche italiano

A way to resurrect - complete edition

In this game you will be a skeleton trying to come back to life and along your journey you will meet many friends

(this is the full version of the game with all the parts that I had to remove because the game jam rules said that the game must last one hour, the short version can be found here) #rpg #puzzle #retro #strategy #adventure #action #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans