
Comments (2)

What do you think?


can u show like any sort of picture gameplay soon?

Another FNaF World is a reimagining of FNaF World with new content, which will be replenished every month.

And if you do not have enough content, for such people, we have added official lua-scripts support, and we add checked out scripts and mods to our mod-manager.

(Attention! We are not responsible if you install viruses on your computer through scripts! You download mods / scripts either only in the official mod-manager, or at your own risk!)

#fangame #rpg #fnaf



Игра будет в разработке ещё минимум 3 месяца, потому что я стараюсь максимально подготовить игру к модам

The game will be in development for at least another 3 months, because I'm trying to prepare the game for mods as much as possible

Почти доделал возможность добавления скриптов lua, осталось только это протестировать

Almost finished adding lua scripts, all that's left is to test it