A young woman is entrusted to take care of three young children of the gods, with powers not yet harnessed. At first she was ecstatic, being she always wanted to start a family and by the mere fact that she was chosen by the great deities themselves. Eventually, enthusiasm was lost after a few years as a mother. Taking care of normal children is hard enough for anyone, but children who are also gods is a reason to get a bit of crank and a smoking habit to boot, despite the love that she does hold for them. Eventually, she ,alongside her adopted children, must venture outside of her black and white world to many colorful locations in order to stop a demonic onslaught from brewing. Her adopted children are the only beings strong enough to stop the menace, but they need a bit of help from mom to properly guide that power.
This is a game that I am making for fun with my brother and father on free time, as such its not hard on development at the moment. currently have a prototype for gameplay but I'm waiting to get some player animations in before I upload it as currently, everything is just blocks.
(This game is in its very early stages, everything is subject to change) #platformer