
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Ayy! I did it! I beat the game!

I know this was for a game jam, but I feel like there should be a way to know how much health player and enemy units have as well as maybe a way to get new units during a level.


Corporatocracy - Demo

Version: 0.0.1over 2 years ago
Version that gets updated and maintained.

Corporatocracy - Game Jam Edition

Version: 0.1.0about 3 years ago
Original Version, not being updated or maintained.


Select & Deselect Unit: LMB on Friendly Unit

Attack: LMB on Enemy Unit

Camera: WASD or Arrow Keys

Zoom: Mouse Scroll Wheel or Plus (+) & Minus (-) Keys

Pause: Space


Created for a Gamjam with friends, but will continue to work on the project as a Demo for OASIS 2.

Corporatocracy is set in a dystopian future, where Companies have grown into mega corps and have grown in power that they can ignore laws as they please and run the expansion of their businesses without regard for human life or other moral boundaries. This has erupted in violent clashes of corporate armed forces to secure dominance around the world. You're dropping into a low life slum to secure a foothold and neutralise all personnel of your competitor. Landing at the LZ (Landing Zone) are 4 of your "valuable employees", of which you can choose between 4 (extremely balanced) Units for each slot.


Game Credits:

Music - Russell Shaw for Syndicate (1993)

Sound from, 99 Sound Effects Pack, various others

Select Sound - Shockwave 2 @skyistumbling

M4, Cyborg Soldier - @Tomcat5

Pathfinding - Griffpatch, thi_soan1988

Explosion - Unknown Scratcher

Line of Sight - Funut

Robot Design - Chappie (Movie)

Other Inspiration - Chappie & Elysium Concept Art (specifically Aaron Beck)


Running on my Indev OASIS (Offscreen Action Simulation in Scratch) 2 Engine

More Info on OASIS 2 and it's Abilities coming soon.

OASIS 2 Credits:

Original Idea (precursor to the OASIS Engine that was used to build Star Wars Battlefront Scratch 1.0-1.3) @Badbrix

OASIS 1 Engine @Badbrix

OASIS 1 Testing and Feedback @bamfux @Tomcat5

OASIS 2 Engine Idea and Main Code all @Badbrix

FPS and Time.deltaTime Counter @bamfux

Insert Sorting Script @TheGreenFlash

#topdown #strategy #dystopia #tactical #scifi

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence

Corporatocracy Update to improve upon some of the Game Jam Version's shortcomings, more soon

Back with Game Dev at last, will focus on a different project though

Tried out the sw2 blob shading - More game progress updates below

Corporatocracy - A Top-Down Real Time Tactics Gamejam Game set in a Dystopian Cyberpunk Future where Mega Corps are the law