
Estranged Escape
You are Miles. 16 Years Old. You wake up and find yourself on an alien ship. You don't know how you got there or why your here. All you know is that you need to escape, find survivors, and learn the truth.
Estranged Escape is the 2nd chapter in the story of Miles Scott.
Estranged Escape is a free game made with RPG Maker MV and the first game created out of the trilogy. Originally done as an experimental game before expanding on it into what it is now.
The game includes:
Hand drawn/sketched artwork (made before the current digital artworks)
7 Levels to go through and a main hub.
Turn based Combat
A linear story about being stuck on an alien ship
A main cast of 4 characters who come together to try and escape
And one small fetish scene for some reason. (Just hold Z if you want to skip through that)
Now available! #scifi #adventure #rpgmaker #rpg #handdrawn