
Comments (21)

What do you think?

Man this game is beautiful

It genuinely has lots of details that make my little goober heart happy

Only complain is that I wish I could use WASD but no big deal at the end the day

Keep up the amazing work

my highed party member crit my healer lmao

my only wish is that the fnaf 3 era dungeon crawling is way shorter or removed

very good game would recommend playing it

My ass is definitely not beating the Champion Arena boss

Tis nothing but an RNG fest that mentally exhausted me


FNaFb: Freddy's Acronical Excursion Extravaganza (70's Demo)

Version: 0.2.02 months ago
This Demo contains the 70's and some extra goodies at the end. Enjoy :)

What in the Goddamn is this ?:

Freddy's Acronical Excursion Extravaganza or FAEE is meant to be a remake of the original game which had the blessing of actually being a finished game... unlike another one of them...

Anyway, the remake aims for a better experience for the player with LESS flaws than the original game had back than (at least I hope it will).


BB seems like he doesn't want to give up on world domination and destroying debauchery, so he uses his nightmarish dark powers to beat and steal Frooby & Co.'s powers.

But... at it's low hopes, Frooby revives Freddy Fuckboy as a final attempt to banish Enragement Child forever. Can he do it ? We will find out in the next era of Freddy's Acronical Excursion Extravaganza !


  • Freddy Fuckboy ! (wait the game is about him...)

  • Better balance overall !

  • Revamped some of the old graphics the game had !

  • A much more stable game with better frame rates ! (hopefully...)

  • New Content !

  • Some extra new features as Skill Chips, Faz-Games, etc.

  • Being able to actually beat the game ! (no joke the final dungeon will get a huge overhaul)


Freddy's Acronical Excursion was originally made by @Ashy202 

and finished by @Mariosonicfan635.

FNaFb: @fnafb_official  (SPPEPSHighway & Harshmallow)


#fnaf #fangame #rpg #strategy #action #adventure #fnafb #FNAFB #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling

100 Followers ! Woah, that's a number and this fast !

Other than my old and pretty outdated version of Fuck Nights at Wario's 2.0 (or 4.3 as of now I guess), this is my first more modern and higher quality FNaFb Game that got this popular.

Heya, Demo Patch is out!
Pretty much gives the demo some extra quality, small nerfs/buffs (nothing note worthy lol).

And removes the cheese (by reflecting funny stuff back).

Hope yall enjoyed the demo and see ya'll in the 80's (or another project update).

Happy Early New Year :)

Since it's almost the end of 2024 I though the delay was long enough due (and that I'm actually happy with the demo)

Hope ya'll enjoy it.
Little extra info in the article for development.

Happy 10th Anniversary FNaFb !

Hello gamers, this post is pretty much how greatful I am to be in this community, pretty much all the peoples are amazing and so I've come to post my appreciation as well.

Some things to note are in the Article:

The Page of the goofy game has been uploaded !

Prepare for the Game tomorrow!

Pretty much the game has entered beta testing from my side and afterwards it will be given to others for more testing, hope you're ready for this excursion bitches!