heya ya all, Pawel2733 here.
so basically i was cleaning my desktop from old garbage i was making and i encountered old MFA game file called: "Tailless Boy Adventure Genesis Port V2" which i made for beta testers but it didn't worked out. so i wanted to get rid of it but......somehow my pc froze and weird window appeared with message: "so you want to get rid of me now huh? try to catch me fool." then i saw on my fucking real eyes that GAME FILE BROKE DOWN AND GLITCH KING JUMPED OUT OF IT. I ALMOST CATCHED HIM WITH CURSOR BUT THIS FUCKER HAS GONE INTO MY OPERA GX AND GO INTO SOME RANDOM FUCKING SITE. I DONT KNOW WHERE THIS FUCKER IS BUT IF ANYBODY FIND HIM SENT HIM TO ME ON DIRECT MESSAGES ON DISCORD. anyways back to normal note, i founded this game somewhere on Sonic fangame site called Sonic MultiCharacter which got me curious earlier like 5 years ago? well im dropping game here for you all so you can check it out!
i hope Glitch King won't mess with this game, i have no fucking idea where he has gone.