Game Community
Fumo and Youkai Community
11 Members

Comments (37)

What do you think?

I am going to severally cyberbully this game because how bad it is

1) Hide animation doesn't work

2) ALL ENEMIES CAN CRIT, which is super illegal consider point 3

3) Random enemies HAVE SKILL so good luck kill em when or of skills is 5 times damage

4) you don't have 100% escape ability which leads to dying because failed to go to gamma+ zones when you NEED to go here for members

5) most skills is just reskin of existed ones like Koakuma's first skill is just tophat toss

6) Bat being exclusive to Koakuma feels so useless

7) equipment progression is awful because a) agi/luk increase is fucking pathetic and b) there's no Delta level

8) cameras are bullshitting insane from start and that's when there's joke one with super stats that we somehow should kill and not just one shot consider it can't kill us, what's the point of it???

9) because of broken progression you barely can fight shadow version of yourself because you can be one shotted from spread bomb or 4 random hits because your stats are low compare to enemies (especially when you find Shadow Koakuma with fucking 25% stats buff which literally means one shot

10) what's the point of insta kill if even regular enemies doesn't die often from em? Why have ANY states if bosses like shadow resist to all of em already?

11)extra 10 exp and 1 gold from some alpha enemies is so fucking low and pathetic it's amazing

12) character's passive is so weak compare to each other. I better pick 5% counter attack/evasion rather than 10% damage resist or fucking +10% hit rate, and that's when this numbers should be DOUBLED to be okay

I didn't even started killing cameras and I found so many problems, Jesus Fuck.

(and I played on latest, 1.2 version, yes)

Rebalance shit and make skills/passives fucking worth it.

are there low / rare drop rate weapons / items?

I forgot to screenshot it but are enemies supposed to survive a soul steal move? I ask this because I used the soul steal on a enemy and it ended up giving them the death thing, YET. THEY STILL. LIVED. so is that supposed to happen or not?


To give context of what I'm talking about, I was fighting shadow Alice in this room as you can see in this image and once I defeated shadow Alice it said new skill for Alice which is a combo and is called Alice combo but see the problem is...where is the combo? I look into skills and I see no combo anywhere in Alice's skills so yeah found this out today.

Lol, I'm making one of these too.


Gamer Nights at Youkai

Version: 1.2.3over 1 year ago

A FNAFB parody of a game called Five Nights at Youkai which was made by @Paulor_94 .

@StasGavrik and @NatesGames made the ambiance and win sound.

Note :

To play the game you need to have installed RPG Maker VX Ace RTP.

RTP Page :

Games :

Five Nights at F***boy's : Complete Collection - The original FNAFB series.

Five nights at Youkai (FNAF X Touhou Fangame) by Paulor_94 - Game Jolt - The original game.

#fnaf #fangame #rpg #strategy #other #action #adventure #touhou #fnafb #gnay #fnay

Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Fan art can be accepted. Put all fan art you made in the Fan Art channel in my community.

v1.2.0 released!

Censored Flandre's final skill's animation.

Fixed Alice's quest for the 2nd time.

Removed leftover save file.