Comments (15)
Probably for the best. Art is very good and combat feels smooth but no one watched madness combat for the cuck backstory. Playing through more of it just confirms the story is the weakest link and is an odd amalgamation of bad english and fan fiction. There's zero connection to madness combat besides the appearance
yeah cool whats the password for the bad guys base (when the hotline miami reference) im too dumb
ngl im surprised at how big this game actually is considering it was canned, this was pretty good
Even if it's unfinished, I think it's very addictive and long, but it's a shame that the ending isn't available
Does anyone know how to fix the truck glitch
Lisa The Nevada
LISA the Nevada was a LISA the Painful/Madness Combat fan game. Canned game. It will not be worked on anymore. Ruby made the grunt sprite.
-Includes 12 new and original party members
-Original and new music
-A spin on connecting Madness Combat and LISA
Game originally by Carrion/Mae
@Funtermore made a few parallaxes and sprites for me to use here
My friend Z3nith made a lot of the new tracks
Ruby made the original grunt sprite which started it all
Juancho let us use a number of his free use assets
Some Forsaken sprites were put there for as beta assets meant to be changed out later
My buddy Plant made a few sprites
Bive also made some neat parallaxes and art
And Leox for some sprites and concept art
Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans