
Comments (2)

What do you think?

This game is suck at my mind,I now learned HaXe prog lang,LOL LOL

Game mod?

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

new ambience

#horror #action #adventure #strategy #puzzle

After many times GUNGUN was caught by the police and detectives. He decides to move back into his first house, the house has lots of mold and broken walls. Gungun gets his revenge on you for calling the cops on him when he was living in an obscure location. You wake up in an empty room.

The third game in the house of gungun games.


left control - crouch

q - drop item

e - grab or interact

mouse - look around

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

1.8.5 pc: added pause and sensitivity changer, added codes for changing gameplay. "fun cheat" "byebye gungun" "gungun hat"

1.8.0: pc and android

Bigger house, easter eggs

1.6.0 ​impossible mode buffed. changed ambience, removed some visuals. changed font slightly, enemy has running animation, you can no longer hide under tables

1.5.1 for android

1.5.0 added more locks, some drawers require a key