Comments (2)

Game Soundtrack
Menu theme
- 1.Menu theme
- 2.Old ruins
- 3.Manipulated by the devil
- 4.Manipulated by the devil V2 (literature chapter)
- 5.Not mine [overworld] (literature chapter)
- 6.Hxppy thxugths (literature chapter)
- 7.Hxppy thxughts
- 8.Reality check (song that might play when you fight Monika)
- 9.Just monika
- 10.Just monika (reprise)
- 11.New Temmie's shop
- 12.Secret land
- 13.Poetic justice (Monika phase 2)
- 14.Bloodlust
- 15.YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND FOREVER (song that might play when you fight Sayori)
- 16.Artificial Intelligence?
- 17.Beautiful city (Entrance)
- 18.Beautiful city (Central)
- 19.Beautiful city (Exit)
- 20.A purple star - Release version
- 21.Show stage (after kizuna battle)
- 22.Paroxism (Megumin: Bad Neutral Run encounter)
- 23.Grand dad strike back (meme chapter)
- 24.Amanslomania (Secret genocide Meggy battle)
- 25.That's not Chara, or yes?
- 26.Wrong reality
- 27.Unnecesary despair (Meggy first appearance)
- 28.Heya kiddo
- 29.Living in a...pinneapple?
- 30.JUST RUN!!!
- 31.Gaster's theme
- 32.He is playing the guitar (Exeler-san's rock)
- 33.A stronger megalo
- 34.The last warrior (Exeler-san first appearance)
- 35.Love fight (phase 1)
- 36.Executing the demon down (secret boss)
- 37.Tenacity (Frisk Battle) (Unlockable at 100% of progress and Only on Boss rush)
English: This game is an Undertale AU, probably the longest there will be; in this AU you can see your favorite characters from other alternate universes and other sagas ...
日本語:このゲームはUndertaleAUであり、おそらく最長のものです。 このAUでは、他の代替宇宙や他のサガからのお気に入りのキャラクターを見ることができます...
Español: Este juego es un AU de Undertale, probablemente el más extenso que habrá; en este AU podrás ver a tus personajes favoritos de otros universos alternos y otras sagas... #fangame #rpg #adventure #action #strategy
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling