
Comments (7)

What do you think?

The games crashes when i hit the play button :(

Persephone is a dream-inspired, surrealistic horror game.

Check it out on Steam for more details!

#horror #other #altgame #surreal


Working on Persephone still! Most of my time has been dedicated to learning more about Godot's 3D aspect, improving what's already there and adding things to the game as well. Here's some sneek peek screenshots!

More to come and stay tuned.

I am still working on the game and it's undergoing a ton of changes, like lighting, mechanics, etc. I did decide to keep using Godot 3.5 because the project as it stands is much more stable. Video and a new version will be uploaded soon!

Day 3 of converting a 3.5 Godot project into Godot 4.2

Guess I gotta make a new model and reimport it lmao

Could totally pass as the game's antagonist

Hey! Sorry about the demo not working. I am currently upgrading it to 4.0 which will take awhile, but will have a better end product when uploaded. I appreciate everyone's patience and interest in the game, though!

Hey all! I know it's been awhile since I've posted on this, but I finally have a demo available! It is still in heavy development and I'm also accepting questions or suggestions.

Experimenting with GUI elements for the inventory slot. The TV will receive a glow, as well.

Remaking and restyling some of the sprites for the inventory. Here's the walkie talkie. In-game usage is being developed. More to come.

Remaking one of the models from scratch for The Town of Persephone! What do you guys think?


I've been experimenting with 3D rigging and animations lately, so here's one of them. Each owner has 4 items that represent them and each one will become apart of them once gifted by the player. This one is the girl. More to come! Links below.

Some areas will be filled with static and you will need this guitar in order to get through them, but you have to find it first. There will also be a soundtrack made by me with my own guitar! Stay tuned, as I will post music from time to time.