Comments (4)
Verstion 1.4.1 is now out. It fixes a bug where on online multiplayer when either player's resolution is not on 720p a player may be teleported off the screen.
Version 1.4.0 is now out. In version 1.4.0 there is a new “Play Again” button on the victory screens so you won’t be required to go back into the menu to play another game. I’ve also added online play in version 1.4.0. To play online the host will be required to port forward so please keep that in mind. The player joining will not be required to do so though.
This is most likely going to be the final major update of Quick Shot as I’ve completed programming all additions that I wanted to. There may be minor updates in the future, consisting of bug fixes and maybe optimising the online mode as its still far from perfect.
As of version 1.4.0 the game has a total of 2,740 lines of code. Finally I’d like to thank everyone that has helped me throughout the development of Quick Shot and everyone who has played it.
Version 1.3.0 is now out. With version 1.3.0 the game now has items. There are 7 types of items added to the game which change the type of bullet your character shoots. You can see what type of bullet you currently have active and how many shots you have left by looking at the bottom side of the screen that your character starts on. The items and the ui can be removed by disabling items in the options menu. Finally I've optimised the game a slight bit more and I've fixed a few graphical errors.
Version 1.3.1: Fixed a bug with one of the items not working correctly on player 1.
Version 1.2.0 is out. The game now starts in fullscreen, its slightly more efficent, I've added a menu, the win screens are no longer dangerous for people with epilepsy and a little secret.
I'm currently working on version 1.1. So far I've prettied up the sprites. Made a little progress on powerups. Removed the epilepsy causing win screens. Worked on fixnig a few bugs and finally worked on a little secret.
Quick Shot
My first ever game. It's a basic 2 player pvp platformer shooter (so if you don't have a friend, hard luck I guess).
Features Include:
-Flashy Win Screens
-An Instruction Menu
-Online Play
-Minor Bugs
-Possible Hope For A Future Minor Update, Maybe