Comments (15)
I never played The Other Story, but I've seen videos, and it looked so fun. I'm hyped!
IM SO HYPED!!!!!!! I loved ST: The Other Story so I'm sure this game will be even better if the gameplay is similar!
duuuuuuude you're back :D
will this game feature a campaign???
Жду не дождусь увидеть тут людей которые будут попрашайничать андроид порт. (кстати можно портануть твою фан игру по приколу, я не планирую этот порт выкладывать, просто хочется по практиковать свои умение с портами (если конечно разрешишь)).
More details can be found at:
Hi everyone once again. I'm Vwriter, who you may know as the lead developer of ST: The Other Story. It's been a long time since I've abandoned finished that project, and I wasn't just hanging around this whole time. I've learned a lot of new things and got a bunch of new ideas since then!
Stick around to find out what on Earth I'm cooking up this time!
#fangame #indie #horror #action #multiplayer #survival #shooter #slender #slenytubbies #teletubbies #dangerzone #danger_zone #danger #ST_danger_zone #STDZ #ST_DZ #ST #other #parody
Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed