Game Community
9 Members

Comments (20)

What do you think?

Well I just speedran the rest of TRIBAL and here are the closing thoughts:

You def gotta work on area design skill and make it so there's less encounters cause there are way to many.

Also improve writing and cutscenes, sound effects exist for a reason..

The story was, ok. Nothing to special but easy to follow so I'll take that.

Also the final boss was way to easy. Just paralyze and attack with skills.

overall, needs more sound effects, dialogue improvement, balancing, cutscene improvement etc.

4/10. Long enough for a cup of coffee and barely kept me invested.

(Btw sorry if I came off as rude I don't mean it)

so i just played the first tribal and here are my thoughts,

i hope the maps are better in later ages cuz they sucked here if i may be honest, i like where the story is going and it has alot of potaintial so yeah. I'll go edit and upload p1 of tribal

what order?

wait a minute, do i play early ages first and just PRIMAL second or..?)

You said to leave a review so here ya go.

Tribal Stone Age was pretty alright. The maps look better than last time and we even got some more abilites to play around with. I like how this one (and the other chapters as well) have more exploration in them. Although, it is disapointing that we can't carry over any items between chapters. It's also cool that this one has more detail, like the fishing pond, and the camp site. It's nice to see our party interact more as well. More can be done however.

If you're going to make more games, you really should try adding some more custom music. Audibly, the games right now sound pretty empty. It shouldn't be too hard to find some fitting custom music for the game, maybe from another game, or even just stock music.

Now for Tribal Late Ages (part 1), I can't find much to complain about. Although there is some continuity weirdness going on. Like how did our party go from a tropical jungle to a frost bitten forest? There could have been more detail for sure... Other than that, everything else in this chapter was fine except for the way it ends. I don't know why or how you expected players to know that in order to finish the chapter, you must investigate a random spot on the carpet, instead of talking to Issac... Also, it would have been nice if there was a hidden dialogue option when talking to Issac. If the player read his journal entries, one of the characters could have brought it up in conversation. I think there could have been more detail in general for this chapter, as I didn't really find much interatives or dialogue out in the woods. Oh well.

Finally, Tribal Late Ages Part 2 was an okay chapter. It would have been cool to see some new enemy types in the caves. But instead the same ole runners and sabers we saw previously return. You could have at least made beefed up version of these foes and recolored their sprites. Or even better, make some new foes to fight. Like we could have fought some crystalized dinos in the caves. It's not like this game is incredibily accurate to the pre-historic ages, so why not take some liberties with the enemy designs? The highlights of this chapter were definitly the Usra bear fight, mostly due to the awesome sprite. Although, it wasn't very hard as the Pin spear technique is OP. (Ursa minor literally did no damage hahaha).

So overall, I enjoyed these little bite-sized chapters. I just hope that cliff hanger gets resolved in part 3!



Version: 0.1.0about 2 years ago

TRIBAL: Early Ages

Version: 0.1.0about 2 years ago

TRIBAL: Stone age

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago

TRIBAL: Late ages

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago

TRIBAL: Late ages PT. 2

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago

TRIBAL: Modern Ages

Version: 1.1.0almost 2 years ago

Be not afraid....

Welcome to TRIBAL, an RPG adventure through a odd primal world.

Take the role of our 4 main characters, Adam, Cain, Mary, and Hannah, as you travel through the fields swamps and forests of this odd world.


4 teenagers wake up in an odd and primal forest, filled with birds of prey, mega piranhas, and a deadly tyrant of the dinos. Now they must craft, thrive, and survive in this deadly world.

#adventure #rpg #retro


@Theguestcreator For making the whole thing

@Coronzon For providing the dinosaur sprites (Ask her for who actually made them, because I have no clue )

@NinjaChicle For making the Ursa major and Ursa minor battle sprite

And all the people who played this!

If you didn't play this then.... Why would I be here?

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

2 years ago, at the time of writing this, I made a little game called TRIBAL.

The first enemy I ever made for the game was the Raptor, based off of Utahraptor Ostrommaysi.

After so long, I decided to remake it with my current sprite art experience.