
Comments (21)

What do you think?

Look like.... Devil May Cry !? Yeah ! it's cool ...

Sick game instant following

Is this based on Naruto?

ngl i was secretly following this project. Its too good, glad to see it is back to being developed again

this took me all the way back to 2006. when was... new.


Tengoku Sensō

Version: 0.0.41about 1 month ago

Tengoku Sensō

A 2D-hand animated Stylish Action, platformer set in a fictitious Japan where spirits coexist with humans on a daily basis. When a young Cesara releases and fuses with the sealed god of storm, Susanoō she also inherits the power of a god.

In order to return to her normal life, she must, as one with the jealous Lord Susanoō defeat his sister, Amaterasu-Ōmikami.

Design Philosophy

When playing an action game, often times the character(s) you control can gain many new abilities to the point where you can't use them all without pausing the game, then going into the menu to swap out your current one with a new one.

Using the system pioneered by the Devil May Cry series you won't have to.

Anytime a new weapon / spell / ability is acquired it will remain accessible to you anytime in or out of combat without breaking pace by going into the menu.


Among all the melee weapons, spellbook elements and alternate persona exclusive abilities you will have a command list with upwards of 80 entries.

Every command has its own advantages and disadvantages such as:

  • Speed of Start-Up animation

  • Duration of Recovery animation

  • Vertical/Horizontal reach of attack

  • Duration of active frames of a attack

  • Enemy Knockback distance

  • Stun duration (how long it takes for an enemy to recover from an attack)

  • Accessibility (whether it can be used only on the ground, air or both)

  • Utility (whether it has a special property such as ground-bounce/wall-bounce/hard knock-down for combo extensions)

  • Mob potency (how many enemies an attack can hit at once)

Player expression is of utmost importance and the only way to achieve that is to give the player options, a LOT of options; such that the only limiting factor becomes your own imagination.

With so much combat tools it is also important that you are able to navigate to the right tools at the right time with ease.

This game utilizes more buttons than men's formal office attire but controls are customizable for both keyboard and controller to suit user's preferences.


#action #hacknslash #brawler #platformer #beatemup #stylishaction #characteraction #adventure

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Brief Nudity
Comical Shenanigans

Cesara RE:Design

Classic / Denim / Leather

At some point the default will shift away from Classic as I move into post-production and start adding more details and polish into the game.


Racking up your style points can be done by diversifying your actions; so naturally switching between combat classes, different projectile elements and melee arms are an effective way to go about it.


Learning new actions is as easy as going into the Skill List menu, selecting a greyed out action and clicking on it as long as you have Skill Points to spare.

Skills can also be refunded for players to re-spec their build if necessary.


The first prototype of an Auto-Assist feature where a single button press can be used to string various actions into a combo.

Context sensitivity is next to identify what moves should be used in certain situations.

A 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘥𝘦 has been implemented to teach players some combos starting off with the basics and getting progressively more difficult within each challenge category.

Both XInput and DirectInput are now supported in 𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘬𝘶-𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘰̄, that means it is playable with a Playstation Controller.

Optional Triple Triad minigame remake to relax in between battles of the main story.

New animated title screen to foreshadow the journey ahead of us.

Yokai Fusion
Damage dealt upon Yokai are assimilated into her body as energy.

This energy can then be used to undergo Yokai Fusion to amplify power, speed, regeneration and access transformed-exclusive abilities.

A deeper look a the combat mechanics of the 𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒔 weapon's energy system.