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Through the Field

Version: 0.4.08 months ago

Early Alpha info:

Upgrades work, just not balanced.

You can die, but there's a bug with the escape pod

You can reach the end of a subsect but nothing happens after that, yet,

If you want to check out debug stuff, press the '\' key

That's it! Enjoy what's there and give me any feedback you might have, always appreciated!

A rouguelite action game with physics-based space stuff. A re-imagining of an older game of mine. WIP! #retro #roguelike #action #rpg #scifi #physics #asteroids


Through the Development of Through the Field update:

New menus, new music, new asteroids, new comets, gamepad stuff, new items, and performance tweaks. As always there's still a truck load of stuff to do: Sound effects, new enemies, and even more items.

A big new update with menu music. Field music is next. You can play up to the edge of the field subsect.


Been awhile, but oh yes I now have MENU > SELECT VESSEL > PLAY THE DARN GAME working! Hopefully I can upload this version tomorrow. todo: make the weapons work in an awesome & satisfying way.

The video looks a bit choppy, screen record on a Chromebook

New version released as early alpha! I did this bc the game kinda works as a nice screensaver right now ><

Press 1-5 to equip/un-equip weapons, everything auto-fires right now. Once you reach the top it just restarts. Levels just go up for now...



EXP on left, health in the center, and engines on the right. As long as you're not using energy the engines recharge. Base weapon ability won't use energy but boosting and specials will consume energy, as will braking.