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Early asteroid development in this version. Lasers destroy them as well as them colliding with one another. I'm experimenting with a sort-of-random decision on which asteroid is destroyed in the collision (or both).
Whoa it's been too damn long. The first enemy type is a drone that hangs out in the fields. Destroying one sends it flying into other objects. I created an auto-pilot, it's not smart, really just a debug tool that turned out to be a nice screensaver.
Space Courier 2! Almost certainly what it's not going to be called! Early Alpha screensaver version released!
Press 1-5 to equip/unequip systems
Press 'G' to activate auto-pilot and enjoy the screensaver!
All the other systems are still WIP =D
New version released as early alpha! I did this bc the game kinda works as a nice screensaver right now ><
Press 1-5 to equip/un-equip weapons, everything auto-fires right now. Once you reach the top it just restarts. Levels just go up for now...