
Comments (9)

What do you think?

if you didnt spam the keys in the music player when you discovered it, you aren't a true gamer

You are SO cool...

You do Awesome Games,



more easy plis

A take on legacy Last Breath. Base Story to be added.

Credits (to be updated)

Game Logo by @Letwik

The entire soundtrack is made by Spicy_Pumpkin. (

Writing assistance: thecalloglitch, .magicnumber

This game was made using an Undertale Engine created by @DEL866917 .

#undertale #fangame

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Little early on the monthly update, but, it's not even really an update, so no point waiting until the time the last post was made, just give you a quick update now. There has quite frankly been zero progress on this game.

Hello. August 31st. Forgot to post an update. But there isn't anything to go over. No progress has been made code wise. I haven't worked on it, I'm still waiting for the same thing, the intro panels.

Sorry for the wait, I hope to get the demo out soon.

I've forgot to post yesterday. oops! Anyway, July 29th. Update time.

Also fun fact, it has officially been a year since I posted this game page and started working on this game.


alas, intro panel remasters. work in progress. Here are the first three panels.

Panels by Mateohod.

Hi there, June 28th, it's been a month, so, it's time for an update.

May 28th. Hi. It's time for an update. Forgot to post this yesterday, so here it is.

Alright. I've got a question. If the intro panels are not finished by next devlog (the upcoming 27th or close to that), should I just cut the intro until they're finished, from the demo?

I'll give you 5 days to decide, that seems like plenty of time.

  10 votes Voting finished

Surprise name selection mechanic. Probably not the best in the universe, and it is not like the original in terms of design, but, it works, yay.

Heyo! It is April 27th, and that means it is time for an update, as it has been a month since the last.

Hello people. It is I, JustSomeGuyOnline, asking you for help! (No longer searching for help.)
