Comments (17)
Good game so far. If you finish the survival and different difficulties earlier i might do a let's play. Of course if u agree :)
Good shooter platformer game!
I think you have all weapons available at start cause this is a demo but it's good nonetheless
The black layer covering zombies' spawn point is annoying, I can't find last zombies thanks to them. My suggestion is to use big hole or doorway to spawn zombies instead. In order to avoid confusion with exit door, just add EXIT text on top it
I prefer having ammos from crates or just lying on ground than dropped by zombies but I'm fine either way :)
This game has potential, good luck with it!
Looks and plays good :)
Definitely has a lot of potential! Although some enemies wouldn't leave their spawns on the second level :/. Overall though, it's looking pretty good! Keep it up!
Adventures of Bodnar
Fight off the horde of zombies playing as the heroine known as Bodnar!
Fight off the horde of zombies playing as the heroine known as Bodnar!
Current Features
-Costumes: Currently pick from 3 different costumes!
-Adventure Mode
+Fight through multiple levels to reach the end!
-Survival mode
+Fight till you drop on 2 different levels!
-6 Different weapons
+Duel Swords, Pistol, Assault rifle, Shotgun, Sniper, and a Crossbow!
Adjusted the lighting.
Weapons now shake the screen when firing.
-The amount of shaking is relative to the weapon.
Tweaked the tutorial level.
Completly redid the second level.
Zombie spawning logic changed.
Background has more detail.
Added hidden areas.
New rocky area with destroyable rocks.
-Zombies can also break these.
Destroyable crates that contain ammo.
Pistol, Assualt Rifle, and Crossbow ammo boxes give less, but have a higher chance of appearing.
Fixed a glitch that allowed zombies to fall through floors.
Fixed a glitch where if the player said no to moving to the next area the window would continousily popup as long as they were in the door.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed