Withered Bonnie wants to start his music career. When he discovers bb's hideout, the child in blue and red destroys all of his recordings,
guitar and juke box. Withered Bonnie wants revenge and start his music career again. During his quest Bonnie meets a lot of enemies, allies and... himself?

Withered Bonnie!
New set of skills!
5 Playable nights!
Yiffy being himself as always!
Yiffing dicks!
FNaFB 2 flashbacks!
Vile's dad and his shit eating friends!

Lady Grainie - Toy Bonnie, Chica, Freddy Fuckboy, Golden Freddy, BB.
MiltonCor - Nightmare Freddy/Frooby
NovaProspector - Scraptrap
Laukku2000 - Toy Bonnie
Cartoning Club Draw - Toy Chica.
Fan of TailsDoll - Withered Bonnie battler
Sable Lynn & Joshua Shaw - Original FNaFB Trilogy.
ZainWD - Copy-pasted Freddy's skills.
Sivelos - FNaFB GE and GE 2.
27brad27 - Betatesting the game.
Scott Chawton - FNAF
Night One, Two, Three script - Aleks [Me]
Night Four script - Slack Norman
Toned - 10% of skills
Littledancingdemon - Malhare
#fangame #fnaf #rpg #strategy #adventure #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling