
Comments (17)

What do you think?

This is very cool! It would be awesome if it had character creation as well!

ok, so if you are still developing this.... CAN I PLEASE BETA?!?!!! this looks like it will be absolutely amazing!

This game is looking amazing and I'm super excited for it but I have 1 suggestion, by the looks of it melee combat could end up being useless, would recommend enemy patterns and some sort of dodging system or have certain enemies weak to different types of attacks.

This is very cool, you should build upon it more!

When is this going to komm out


We are happy to share our progress on DbzArena with you.

Take a look at our dev Preview:

DbzArena is a 2D side scrolling rpg based on Dragonball Z & Super. You will be able to gain levels, buy things, fight strong enemys, transform, perform a lot of skills and even more! We want to create a whole new experience on a Dragonball 2D game and are happy about any feedback, we get.

We already have playable Demos but don't want to release them at this time. But they are coming soon. There are many things on our todo list and a lot of work in the future.


You want to see a sequel?...

Light System

New Website and more

UI Rework and Treasure Chests

DbzArena OST Snippets