Comments (8)
haven't played it yet but the artwork is adorable!
I liked it, it's very cute and playful. I enjoyed getting to ask the potential dates questions and finding more about them. The art was really funny, and the idea to have us all on a game show was pretty cool. I love those kind of shows, it's kinda my guilty pleasure haha.
I liked it, hope there's a sequel for when you go on the two day date
(ยดโ๏ฝ)โก The art was really cute! And the dialog was funny!
It's so cute! ^-^ It was a bit short, but I really liked it.
Double Romance
Somehow you've ended up in an alternate universe where Santa is an actual postal worker and where bad tofu gets put in jail. It seems you've arrived just in time to take part in a dating game show hosted by a two inch tall cream puff. You're the main contestant, and your potential dates appear to be human, but they're a little weird. It's your chance to question, court, and maybe even insult your way to true love and find out who is your best match!
Playtime: 10 min.
Possible Endings: 5
Ages: All
Language: English