
Comments (27)

What do you think?

I've beaten the game and I've got to say is that it's really good! The animatronic models look fantastic as is the location with it's textures and graphics.

The jumpscares are quick but fit as are to surprise the player for not looking at where the animatronic is.

I like the fact that the game has a cutscene at the last bit of the game, makes it feel climatic.

While I did like the game there where somethings that probably need fixing with one of them being a bug.

First off the mechanics, they themselves are fine but the power charge is broken and is so easy to cheese the game that power is not an issue. I would recommend having the night one animatronics to take power after leaving to put pressure on them to charge more, but also lower the amount the player gets and make it a bit slower. This makes it so that the player has to be carful with the power but to also memorize where the animatronics are as well.

The boss fight with Thing doesn't really need changing, but the power charger just needs some nerfs to make it even intense then it was before and your set.

A bug I found is that when charging up the noise that it makes sometimes doesn't stop even pulling it down unless I pull it back up to stop it. other then that I haven't found anything else with bugs.

I would appreciate it if you replace the white borders with the black ones, hurts the eyes is all lol.

And that's it, I look forward to what you make next rather be The Old Times or more because your really talented with your modeling skills and this is a really good and solid game :). Also I hope your better with your cold, hope you get a speedy recovery.


Part 2 Let's check out bro, good work bro 👌😎

this is a really fun game and I enjoyed playing it! I really like the animatronic designs and The Thing is my favorite one! I do wanna note that there are 2 bugs that I ran into the first one being that in the first night I ran out of power and was still able to complete the night without getting jumpscared and still hearing them have there attack que sound, the second one is that you can pull up the charger and close the doors still. It was easy to out play the shadow animatronic when he's stealing your power and you can go the entire game doing this. other than that its a very good game and cant wait for future projects you make!! maybe the difficulty could be turned down but that just might be me sucking

i may do a youtube video on it , not sure yet , if you would like me to , let me know :D

Really good game man, especially considering this was made in a week, I wish it was longer tho.


Duke's Funhouse

Version: 0.1.928 days ago
This game was going to finish in a week because i wanted to see can i make a fnaf fan game in a week sadly i got sick making the game yeah but i finish it now i hope you will enjoy!!! Story You got kidnapped by two cult members and send you to Duke's Funhouse and the animatronics are not normal robots they are possessed by the kids who was found dead in Duke's Funhouse oh and they made a monster can survive for two nights at Duke's Funhouse

Models and Map made by me

Sounds From Freesounds

Beta Tested and easter egg model by @Glitched-Star-Studios

#fnaf #fangame #horror #action #survival #strategy #other #pointnclick #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

next update for this is tips for how to save yourself against them

Duke's Funhouse fun fact: The Thing wasn't going to be in the game in beginning when i finish all models i wanted to add other character so i made up The Thing and add him in the game and his original name was going to be demon duke

I will still make The Old Times i just made this for fun