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As the unnamed protagonist, guided by the wisdom of his unknown SEsender, your mission is not to defeat PixoLine but to harness the powers of their advanced science. Restore life in a desolate land and unravel the mysteries behind PixoLine Studios.
Utilize their technology to revive nature. Travel the diverse landscapes that once thrived with life, uncovering the untold stories of the place.
In this mysterious quest, adapt to challenges by exploring the remnants of once-functional facility complexes, from work sides to high-tech facilities. Find the thing that the AUfather wanted, navigating through forgotten lands owned by bad PixoLine Studios and rediscovering the lost beauty of the land.
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of EverGreen where your journey, guided by your Msender, is not just a pursuit of victory but a quest to unlock the secrets that could reshape the entire world's destiny.
By: Mouse Logistics Inc.
©PixoLine Studios
#action #adventure #platformer #scifi #puzzle #strategy #evergreen #other #retro #horror
Realistic Bloodshed