Comments (11)
Finished the #LOWREZJAM game, I loved every bit of it, might I also recommend you put this on the indiexpo.net website too.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
not such a scary game but still and pretty cool (i'm brazilian)
i want the sequel
AWESOME!!! (I'm Brazilian)
Eyes Closed

~ Keep your eyes closed ~
Made for LOWREZJAM 2019

This game was my entry for LowRezJam 2019. This was my first attempt at entering a game jam, my first game created with GameMaker: Studio and my first time creating a 3D game.
> W/S - Forward/Backwards
> A/D - Turn Left/Right
> Space - Eyes
> Collect Keys to unlock the exit
> Keep an ear out for the monster and try to avoid it, if all else fails, close your eyes and hope for the best
The player must escape a forest whilst avoiding ghostly entities. Collect the key in each level to unlock the gate and progress into the next area. Avoid the monster, if it all gets too much you could always close your eyes and wish him away.
Code, music, textures and sprites were created by myself.
Sprites/GFX created using GIMP - https://www.gimp.org/
SFX created using Bfxr. - https://www.bfxr.net/
Music created using Beepbox - http://www.beepbox.co
Font via DaFont - https://www.dafont.com/silkscreen.font
Special thanks to friends, family and loved ones.

Install instructions
> Download "Eyes_Closed.zip"
> Extract files
> Run "Eyes_Closed.exe"
Sneaky tags:
#horror #arcade #retro #survival #monster #lowres #gamejam #concept #eyes #other