
Comments (2)

What do you think?

It's okay but, i think you could make seeds grow faster, it's kinda long, especially at the beginning


Farm Life 2015 - Downloads

Version: 1.1.0over 9 years ago

Read down near the bottom for information on how to play!

Well here we are, my very first game, welcome! This is a small project of mine that I have worked on for almost a year up to this point. Since I am a single developer, I have to work on the images and art, as well as the audio, and of course, the coding all by myself.

A very small "taste" of the game will be uploaded here before any big releases. The first build does not include music or sounds since I need to find/create some first!!

After the first release, I will be releasing builds whenever I make any significant changes. Some changes or features I will be making in later builds include:

  • Title screen where players can select (3) different save-profiles

  • Buildings

  • A bank/loan system and GUI

  • Animals

  • Sounds and music

  • An intro-screen/tutorial

How to play:

First off, buy yourself a hoe in the store (the yellow square with a dollar sign)! This tool will allow you to plow the land and make it ready for seeding!
Use the hoe by clicking on its icon or pressing 2 on your keyboard and then dragging across or clicking the grassy land.

The next step is to select the seed-shop icon (the icon with the three seeds or by pressing 1 on your keyboard), and select the type of crop you want to grow (there will be a description of each crop, and you click the icon for the seed you want).

Plant the seeds by clicking/dragging the newly-plowed land, and wait for the progress bars displaying each crop to rise to the top of the block.

Now use your gloved hand to first harvest the crops into bundles and then click or drag across the bundles to see them go into your inventory (the chest icon).

Lastly, click the inventory icon (by clicking the chest icon or pressing "I" on your keyboard), and choose which selling option you'd like to use, and that's it! Now you can use your money to buy other tools and, in later updates to the game, buildings and animals!

Some pro-tips:

The 1, 2, and 3 buttons can be used to select the seed-shop, the hoe, and the shovel tool respectively.

The "I" key will bring up the inventory screen, while the "S" key will bring up the store screen.

The "ESC" key will deselect any tool in your hand, exit from the seed store, normal store, or inventory screen, or will toggle the pause menu if none of the above are active.

You can easily tell which tool or seed you are holding by looking at the cursor icon. The cursor will either show a gloved hand (no active tool) or will display one of the tool or seed icons.

Enjoy your new game!

-Lars Kloosterman

P.S. If you or someone you know can help me with some aspects such as graphics/drawing or music/sounds and would be willing to help out for free, that would be highly, highly appreciated, and a place for you/friend will be put in the credits and on this page as reference for others!


Second Release!

First Release!