FNaP World Demo
FNaP (Five Nights at Pityu's) world is a turn based RPG game. During your adventure you can collect some new party members with unique skills and property. Not just an action game, because with this lot of characters you can create your own strategy!
More details:
FNAP (Five Nights at Pityu's) world is a turn based RPG game. You can collect over 40 unique characters. There is a BIG world map with new areas. Some of them is dangerous but there are less dangerous areas in the map. Collect all characters, slay down bosses and upgrade your characters and be the king of the FNAP world!
You start with one character in your party. In your party there can be 4 members. Every battle has a special tactic. Every characters have a class and elements (You can see all of them down below). The most characters can be won by a battle but some of them can be won by completing dungeons! Characters won by dungeons are really powerful and rare!
Dungeons are a straight and crowded halls. They have some waves until you reach the end where you need to defeat a big and powerful boss to get the loot and the special character.
Equiments have 5 type: Head, Body, Accessory, Legs and Weapons. Some of them can increase the damage and the defense.
Classes are good for the team interplay. Each class have a lot of skills to learn
Current classes:
-Action Fighter
ELEMENTS (not added yet)
Elements are good for the interplay too! Some classes have strength and weaknesses
Current elements:
#action #rpg #adventure #strategy #fangame #fnaf #retro #roguelike #pointnclick #FNaP #FNaPWorld #fivenightsatpityus #fivenightsatpityusworld