Five Nights at Sonic's 4: Halloween Edition [OFFICIAL]
It's FNaS 4, but Halloween! You won't get more unoriginal than this!
The gameplay is quite different from the original in an attempt the help with the pacing and balancing, including both new and old mechanics.
This game is also officially canon to the original FNaS series.
@ShadedSunrose ~ Coder and Lead Director
@Lustre ~ Artist and Co-Director, Beta Testing/Feedback
@therealcreepy ~ Music Composer, Thumbnail editor, Beta Testing/Feedback
@ColdSky0 ~ Thumbnail artist
@TheCyVap_TC ~ Creator of FNaS and minor coding help
@BagelGabel ~ Ambience SFX, Beta Testing/Feedback
@cOo_hOo1 ~ Poster Artist, Beta Testing/Feedback
@AlimedelStar ~ Poster Artist, Beta Testing/Feedback
Other beta testers not otherwise mentioned: @TSketch5 @Question_TQB
"Can I use the assets for my own game?"
No. This game's assets are not free to use by the request of the main artist. Please respect their wishes.
#fangame #horror #fnaf #fnas #survival #pointnclick #strategy
Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans