Comments (6)
Interesting type of graphics.
Nah Man , this game looked Amazing, now is cancelled? xd
If this game come back to life in the future i want to help
Hey! I have a fangame event and this game fits the requirements. If you want, I will submit this game for the event!

- What can you axpect -
The Linx Attraction is a fnaf fangame Unity 3D survival horror freerom
6 animatronics
voice acting
A very big map completly explorable
2D minigames
Secrets around the map
and much more
- Story -
After the last Freddy Fazbear pizza was shouted down in 1993, a new theme park opened in 2017, but after a few days the owner disappeared and made his assistant the new manager. You are hired as an engineer for the night shift at Linx Attraction, but be quiet, you did not know what Linx LLC hides
- Voice Acting -
Phone Guy @LilBombinoVA
Player @BriLeeVoices
Lerry @Axiomunk
Walter @AuroraAveVA
Tom @TerminalPixel
??? @CollyonVA
??? @Axiomunk
??? @FlopperWopper
??? @MrUnknown2307
- Credits -
Animator @OstawoltGames
Old Animatronics modeler @Darl
New Animatronic modeler @Yoinkly
Coders @TheGuyWhoMakeGame
Props modelers @HellCore_Productions
- @juninputfilosofo
- @shaitanmachina
Teaser Rendering @IVOTHEBUNNYfnaf_9fb5
Spanish translation @Primavero_15
Italian translation @TheGuyWhoMakeGame
- FAQ -
Mobile Port?
A game release date?
We don't have set a Release date
There are translations?
Oh yes, Spanish and Italian are planned (maybe Russian)
will the game have even a classic point and click gameplay
I don't know it will be probably be something I can do, but I don-t know if I will do it
- Progress -
Concepts 25%
Models 4%
Coding 2%
Soundtracks 2%
Sound Design 2%
Renders 12%
Voice Lines 0%
Translations 1%
- Special Thanks -
Fnaf Saga Creators @realscawthon
- @steelwoolstudios
Emotional support @PikanikBla
Aspirated by @KaneCarter
- @NeeTroo
Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference