
Graphical User Interface simulator
A browser-based program which gives You a typical Graphical User Interface (GUI) to interact with.
Where the fact of being a game is because one can generate new sub-menus by clicking on the proper menu-items.
A game made for the lovers of truly EXTREME simulators.
Explore and discover the mechanisms of a generic menu-handling system. Add sub-menus and items to them, then close the whole menu-tree by clicking on a "void" area, and then see how the new, modified menu can be browsed. As this is a rough, minimalist menu-handling system, this requires some skill. Even if the core of the system differs little-nothing from the heart of any menu-handling system, however advanced or special it seem.
Let's take a closer look... .
Are You on a system other than Windows and want a simulator which gives a similar feel with menus and such? Here it is!
In practice, it is a "reboot" -so to speak- of my older project Extreme Windows '72 Simulator which was appreciated by many. A reboot, total remake of the concept... now made into a product which runs on all platforms, being a browser-application, written in pure JavaScript + HTML 5's Canvas for the graphics and mouse-interactivity.
It's not the same thing, not even as complex and rich in content as the original thing, but anyway it's a nice, authentic product on it's own right.
At the heart of the game stands a software-module which originally was not intended for making a game out of it, but rather because I needed a menu-handling module for another project. Anyway, what came out is something that can be really funny for those people who like truly extreme and realistic simulation-games.
Brought to You by Simon (alias 'the Nerd of Algorithms')