
Comments (1)

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fun little game :D


Original LD32 Version w/ Low Res Bug Fix

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Post-Compo Update #2

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Made in less than 72 hours for LDJAM32!!!! #ldjam

Show the world that friendship is a powerful weapon!

The world is filled with lonely skeletons but you the HIGH FIVERER don't see them that way. You know they are really just friends waiting to be made. High Five them to bring out the awesome person that was there all along!

High Fiverer is a rapid-fire-arcade-combo-builder-friend-chaining PUZZLE explosion! Plan your route, hone your reflexes, and learn the secrets of high velocity high fiving!

Use the mouse to high five your way to victory!


  • -Left click to dash toward the mouse cursor

  • -Escape to restart the level

  • -F12 for screenshots


  • -Dash into skeletons to high five them

  • -Once a dash starts you will only stop if you perform a high five, hit a wall, or have traveled the full distance

  • -Skeletons become Friends when you high five them

  • -New friends will move at a percentage of the speed you were moving and in the same direction

  • -Friends will High Five up to 1 skeleton if they have enough speed

  • -The cheering sound means a Friend high fived a skeleton, this adds a little time to your combo timer

  • -Your dash speed will increase as your combo gets bigger but the time your dash takes is always the same

  • -You will be pulled towards the red circles around the skeletons and those get bigger as the combo increases

  • -The blue circle around your character shows how much combo time is left

HINT: The combo timer does not start until the first High Five of the level, so you can try different starting points and trajectories.


  • -13 levels!

  • -Make lots of friends!

  • -Combo the whole screen to move on!

  • -Timings!

  • -Super positive!

  • -Tons of visual feedback to parse!

Code, Sound, & Music by TheWzzard

Artwork is CC0 Assets from opengameart with some recolors and edits

Assets used are collected here:

This is a solo project, my first jam and my third game ever.

High five lonely skeletons to make friends and massive combos!

If you need the LDJAM link:

All rights reserved yall!


What's Next?

Development Continues!

Post Compo Update is LIVE

Update Coming Soon