
Comments (22)

What do you think?

great job looks nice Also Good job For making this In unity

this game it will be epic

PLZ partagez le jeu

It looks good to be honest

I really think this plan for the game is amazing I've been trying to find good devgamm hello neighbor remakes but there's like no good ones so please don't quit this.

Hello Neighbor Rewind is a Hello Neighbor fangame that shows how the game should have looked if they didn't change the graphic style of hello neighbor since the second alpha.

Also, I advise you to go see the NateEMG's fangame, Hello Neighbor Alternative Reality. It's a great fangame, probably better than mine.

/!\ HELLO NEIGHBORâ„¢ Belongs to Tiny Build Game and Dynamic Pixel /!\

#horror #fangame #strategy

Mild Fantasy Violence

YES ! The new character controller is more smooth, less buggy ! Oh and i just saw that you're about 20 following the project, thanks !

The character controller now works with the new input system, so now i'm able to easily make the game playable with a controller !

Good news : the game will be better than before, and now i'm better at making games with unity ! Here are some things i wanna change :

-Physics based doors instead of animated one,

-working on the neighbor AI as soon as possible,

-better inventory system.

Hi ! Bad news : i remake the project from the begining ... Here's why :

-I wasn't organised,

-The character controller was buggy,

-I has an issue with the render pipeline i'm using,

-The input system has completely changed, so i have to rewrite my code...

sorry for my absence, I can only work on the game every other week... And i'm working on another game for school and i need to finish it before July, so if i don't share about the game for a long time, don't think i'm dead ! :)