Comments (1)
i hope whoever makes the soundtrack for this pos is paid handsomely.

Welcome to house rpg, the latest and (most likely not) greatest quirky indie JRPG inspired by...well, you get the picture.

Step inside the outgrown shoes of PC, or Percy if you wanna get legal about it. A young fella who hasn't left his room in years. Once he finally emerges, things aren't quite as he remembered. With the exit guarded by deadly lasers, and his mother missing, Percy must team up with his trusty hat and figure out what's really going on in this house (rpg)
The game takes inspiration from many silly little games, including the Earthbound/Mother series, the Undertale/Deltarune series, the Undertale II series, as well as the Five Nights at F***boy's saga...for some reason.

Features ...
Classic JRPG turn-based combat, time dodges/skills to get the upper hand
Skippable random encounters...if you're quick enough. Hone 'em reaction skills, baby!
Skill customization
One House
At least one dungeon (inside the one house)
At least one difficulty
One story secretly about depression....I think? Something like that
One Percy
One hat
TWO shirts?!!!!