Comments (2)
Good game - By : ThorSsj
Players will have to find parts for the engine in order to make them work. We will study in the field of programming the addition of a .50 Browning machine gun in addition to other accessories. As for physics in the vehicles we have as mission that is as realistic as possible, so that the player has in mind that he can roll over the car if he does not drive carefully.
The movement of the characters will be free, and the player may go through barriers and / or wall climbing with various maneuvers of le parkour, always considering the physical limitations of the anatomy of the human body. The artificial intelligence of the infected will allow them to make the same jumps in obstacles, and also a logical organization to the siege of a certain player. That way, running away from an enemy will never be so easy.
However, do not think that your enemies will only be infected: besides the focus on survival as a main part of the game, the so-called player versus player (PvP) will be one of the logical priorities of the project. The fighting will be fluid, being able to be done in first and third person, in which the character of the player
The weapons will be completely customizable, making it possible to use silencers, sights, grips, among others. This will allow a wide range of accessories that will have logical fundamentals of increase or loss of performance.
The vitality system will work so that the character, when suffering damage during or outside combat, indicates the severity of any injuries, leading to disabilities in basic actions. For example, after suffering a lot of damage, instead of walking normally, the character starts to wobble. In addition, players close to the same team will be able to heal disabilities or carry out resuscitation attempts on a wounded character, using medical devices as well as injections of adrenaline for example.