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Maiden Chateu | Full Game

Version: 1.2.0about 4 years ago

Upon hearing news that your house has been raided by monsters, you rush into your house preparing to kill, but what you ended up encountering, was not what you expected.

Monsters are in their humanoid forms, and are more mischievous and than dangerous. While there are few hostile individuals, most of them just tag along in the raid in order to find a place to stay in. 

The game is a puzzle game akin to that of the classic RPGMaker Game "The Witches House" whilst having gameplay segments similar to that of "Five Nights at Freddys", more specifically the vent repair segments from FNaF Vr. The Horror of the game? It's not yet in this demo, but it will come soon. For now, the game is comedic, no it is not a lewd game, I can assure you that.

#puzzle #pointnclick #other #rpgmaker #comedy #horror #survival

1.0.0 - Pretty Much includes all 4 floors and the ending, and 21 characters to meet. No game breaking bugs, and the text is mostly smooth sailing. The only time the game will get an update is when I get better art skills and decide to redo the sprites.

Story, Illustrations, Game Development:

Kiyopawn -

Special Thanks to:
My bois at my small subreddit community, if you want to see the development up close, check out the subreddit. Their chill comments motivate me when I lack motivation, they are the backbone of this project.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Crass Humor


>Fixed some inventory bug 

>Fixed  bug where after the 3rd boss you might be transparent 

>Fixed a bug where a conversation endlessly loops

>Fixed a bug where a black screen can occur in the 2nd boss

Yo, So I finally finished the game! It includes all 4 floors. If ever I were to make an update on the game, it'll be far in the future when I have better art skills so I can redo some of the bust sprites. Anyways, enjoy the final product.

Hmm, question. To those who've played the game, what do you guys think of it. Were you guys able to finish up to the end of floor 2? or maybe not. I'd like to hear about it.

Compared to in ITCH.IO this game gets more attention here, &, it has more downloads here apparently in a shorter amount of time. So, I'll post some dev updates. I suppose. Here's a sneak peek of the 1st breaker room in the 2nd floor.

Yo, this is not the first version of the game, I uploaded the first version of the game in but this is pretty much the more polished version of the first version hence it being 0.1.1, I like this version, it's devoid of errors.