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Hi there! And welcome to this new Tea Mass Coterie project!

After making our first game, the Castlevania: The Adventure fangame Castlevania: Holy Fires, we're happy to announce that we've started development on our first completely self-made title, which is going to be called (at least for the time being):

Mancers: One More Floor

So what is this going to be?

Right now, we're working on a Mystery Dungeon-type RPG game in a fantasy setting. At the moment, we are still hammering a lot of stuff out story-, setting- and world-wise, and when we do figure them out, we will post about it on this page!

What we do have so far is this;
All across the land, evildoers of all stripes have taken up magic to sow terror. These so called Mancers have chosen a domain of magic to use for their nefarious deeds. Tales have reached you of OneiroMancers who keep entire villages in a sleepwalking state and of GolemMancers, who build armies of awesome constructs and use them to terrorize countrysides.

To escape the law both civil and magical, these Mancers have created Dungeons for themselves. These dungeons are infused by magical means and change every time a person enters. In their Dungeons, the Mancers think themselves save from those who would end their plans.

This is of course where you, the player, come in. In Mancers: One More Floor, you will take on the role of the leader of a group of Marauders; a Mancer-hunting gang. You recruit a party of warriors to stand with you against the Mancers and bring them to justice, gaining loot, riches and fortune in the proces!

What's going to be in this game?

  • Mancer Hunting: You and your party set out to stop the Mancers and bring them to justice! Every Mancer has their own Dungeon and their own force of magic that will stop at nothing to bring your adventure to a swift end.

  • Dungeon Adventures: We want to make each run in a dungeon a real adventure, where each floor can bring unexpected foes, strangers in need of help or unimagined treasures! Floor Quests and Floor Encounters add these aspects to the Dungeons.

  • Your own party of hunters: If you've played a Mystery Dungeon game before, you probably know about recruiting team members. To keep in that spirit, we're going to do the same thing! Our goal is to make it so that every enemy in the game is recruitable to your party!

  • A base of operations: Early in the game, you get acces to your own Headquarters! This is where you can manage your party, shop for items and prepare for your next adventures!

How far in development is the game?

Development on this game has started very recently, but it's coming along nicely. For now, this will be mainly a dev-log. As soon as we have something playable to show, this page will be the first place you hear about it!

So, if any of this strikes you as interesting, keep an eye on this page. We're going to make it a goal to post something on here on a weekly basis!

#adventure #rpg #mystery #dungeon #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

New Mancers Class and the final basic Class: the Sorcerer!

Not all magic-users are evil Mancers! Hunters of the Sorcerer class use their magical skills to protect their teammates and to take down their enemies!

New Mancers Class: the Medic!

Surviving a Dungeon is no easy feat. The Mancers and their followers will throw everything they have at you to take you down. The Medics are there to make sure your party remains healthy, or at least alive...

New Mancers Class: the Brute!

The Mancers and their followers are strong and their numbers are many. To defend your weaker party members from them, the Brutes come into play. With their heavy armor and large shields, they'll keep the enemy at bay!

Here are some more improved character designs for Mancers!

New Mancers Class: the Beastmasters!

Hunting and tracking down magical criminals can be a difficult task. Better bring some back-up!
Beastmasters make use of magic familiars and trained pets to help them find and take down their targets!

We're upgrading Mancers from 16x16 to 32x32 pixel art! Plus we're adding some pumpkin-elements to the enemy sprites! It'll be explained in the game we swear...

Here's the new look and the old look for the Gobster Buffboi enemy side by side.

New week, new Mancers Class reveal!

This week: the Ranger Class! From knives to bombs and from arrows to blowdarts, Hunters of the Ranger class have what you need to do damage from a distance!

Starting this week, we'll be showing all the classes we've come up with for Mancers and their cool new emblems!
This week: The Mercenary! Your run-of-the-mill melee fighters. They may look basic at first, but they have a lot of buried potential...

This week, we added a very basic form of enemy A.I. to the game!

They're not very bright (yet...), but enemies will now find their way towards the player and hit them when they get close!

Mancers: One More Floor Devlog nr. 2: Speed bumps