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mega man mini
a playable short preview
it's back,mega man fan game 2 a.k.a mega man mini,not really much to say,it's not the best mega man fan game,not even close,but it's something. I am planning to update the game every week,even simple stuff like a pixel on an object or fix a mechanic,sometimes I will do huge updates that will take a month or 2(it depends if from the homework,vacations and stuff like that.
note:this is work in progress/not finished,so for now some stuff aren't fixed,made/programmed,and stuff can change in the future
controls:left arrow key(walk left)
right arrow key(walk right)
Z(jump)(not working correctly)
X(shoot)(isn't programmed yet)
ENTER(weapon selection screen)(doesn't work correctly)
Mild Cartoon Violence