Comments (18)
Well... I have to be honest, I didn't play to this game in time before the end of #advjam2019, so I didn't vote for it. It was not in my list of priority games to try, because (at first look) the graphics looked outdated and it seemed to lack of something (a soul, I don't know). I thought it was made by a beginner who used free 3d assets.
BUT it was a big mistake. And it proves me once again that video games are not about graphics only (and I know it very well!). When I discovered yesterday evening that this game had been made by Dave Gilbert in secret, I hastily decided to download it. And what a surprise! It is true that the textures and overall render are a bit outdated, but the rest of the game is really excellent, and it becomes immediately obvious that there was an skilled and talented creator behind this project. A lot of efforts have been put in the immersion (great voices, great camera moves during cutscenes, nice music and ambiance, many small animations in the environments, etc). And it works really well, I got caught in the game immediately! It somehow reminded me of some of my all time favorite games, such as The Nomad Soul, Outcast, etc. I find this project very encouraging for a 'first 3D test in Unity' (that's how Dave describes this attempt if I understood correctly), and while playing I realized that, as a dev, I am not able to make half of this.
I don't know if seing 3d games everywhere makes me happy or not (I really like the good old Wadjet Eye pixel adventures), but I also really enjoyed what I saw here in Old Skies.
Congrats to the creator and please everyone, don't do like me here: don't judge on screenshots only! Give it a try, it's worth it if you like adventure games. I feel very sorry for not giving it a chance in time for the votes.
Unfortunately only Windows despite being a Unity game. A nice short game with good writing, music and a lot of good VA. The large box being light and sturdy makes little logical sense.
You can view my playthrough here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/446819851?t=02h30m20s
I really liked the story, and how you make the player use his imagination about how the futuristic world is, through dialogues and characters reaction.
To give you a little feedback, I managed to go through the building where you pick up the box, I think the window didn't react as a wall? Also, you might have too many colors in your lighting, but adding this red color to attract the player in the right street was a good idea!
Enjoyed the game. It was great that subtitles was included with the VO, which the VO was good for most of the time and i think helped pull the player in.
Without being too spoilery...i think it would of been better to have used the dumpster to you know what, like push or pull dumpster option. I presume there is an alternative ending?
I don't know how you managed to do all that in just 2 weeks, it's impressive to say the least.
The work on the cinematics and the characterization is really good, you managed to build a good ambience, though the lighting seems to be a bit random :)
Nice work anyway!
Old Skies
"Old Skies" tells the story of Fia, a time traveller from the future, who has come to our present in search of a fugitive. Created for #AdvJam2019. #adventure #pointnclick
Written/programmed by: Dave Gilbert (under the name “Solomon Gilernie”)
Voice cast: Sally Beaumont (Fia), Edwyn Tiong (Nozzo), Mike Bodie (Monty) and Ivy Dupler (Bus stop lady)