
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Dude stop saying that


Hello? You there, well good I was just going welcome to your new job at Benny's Pizzeria. The animatronics here are a bit......uh curious at night, so if the get near you make sure to keep them out or they WILL stuff you in a suit, a Benny suit to be exact. Also make sure to not run out of power, ok? So with that I will talk to you later bye .

Mild Fantasy Violence

A little longer

I am still saving up money and it will be quite a while, also I am giving most credit to my friend leom77

Here's the deal

My friend leom77 is helping me with the game, and if you haven’t already go check out his game it is called The Marionette’s revenge. I am saving money to get a computer so I can start on it also.