Comments (7)
Wow, congrats, such a good game bro. I sat here for like 20 minutes and it was super cool. Thanks a lot!
Dude, I do not know how long I just sat here playing this game, just what I could play from the quick play. But I love it a lot, and I hope to see more of this cause in all honesty it is amazing.
Keep up the good work.
try to level everything to the max, then it gets real fun
Love it :)
Men, this is a incrible game! its very fun to play! Please continue with this, add more levels that are more difficult with more strong enimies. I loved the system of upgrades, it has mutch potential. Sorry for english, im brazilian :)
Operation Fungus Remix
Operation Fungus Remix is a remix of... well, Operation Fungus. Due to lack of time, this remix only contains the first mission, and very likely I will never have time to add more stages.
The field theme is a remixed version of the original, other music are from the original game. They might later get replaced with proper remixes.
1) Controls:
Arrow keys or left analogue stick or dpad: move around
Z or (A): Shoot
X or (B): Evade
C or (X): Melee attack with a sword
Enter or (Start): Pause game
( × ) stands for a gamepad button. Most gamepads supporting Xinput should work.
2) Supported browsers
Firefox and Chromium-based browsers, like Opera and Chrome, are supported. The game might work on Edge, but definitely does/should not work on Safari.
3) Source code
The source code can be found here: https://github.com/jani-nykanen/operation-fungus-remix
#retro #shooter #shootempup #rpg #grinding #retro #pixelart #2d #bananas