Comments (28)
to bad this game could have matched planetary annhialation
it says on indigogo the funding failed
i think it's dead
is this still beeing developed or is the game just dead????
looks good
Outer Space Exiles tells the story of the human race that no longer looks the way we know it. Scattered throughout the Orion arm, remnants of it struggle for survival. Exiled from Earth, humans formed colonies on many different planets away from each other. Still under the control of common government, they hope for better times. Such times however are nowhere near the horizon. A conflict urges. A long forgotten species appear from the depths of space. A well known species indeed. Species that had all the time they needed to settle themselves and grew quite some hatred for the inbred "superior" generation. The exiled "inferior" humans - criminals, convicts, misfits. Payback is about to unfold.
But hey, it is an unimaginably large Universe. You never know who or what might show up and join the fray...
Visit our website at www.fatpenguingames.com for more details!
Fantasy Violence